The College Experience Blog

September 29, 2009

Savannah College of Art and Design, Georgia

Filed under: Savannah College of Art and Design — passportstocollege @ 5:55 pm

I attended Savannah College of Art and Design for two years and then moved to Toronto to complete my degree at Ontario College of Art and Design. I was the first person in my family to go to college and I really didn’t know what to expect. Here is what I found out:

1) I think that an important part of having a successful experience at college is to find balance. It’s normal for your first year not to be so great academically because it can be a bit of a shock to go from a small quiet island like Bermuda, where you are comfortable, to a strange place full of people you don’t know. It seems like quite a few people end up flunking out their first year.  Don’t do that. I’m not saying don’t have fun, but just be sure that you have your work done before you go out all night clubbing. You may not get a second chance to go back to school after they kick you out.

2) Its normal to be homesick. People usually don’t feel truly comfortable in a new place until after a year of being there. If you still hate it after a year, apply to transfer to another school. I did it and was really happy with my decision to move, the second school was a much better fit for me.

3) Join clubs and activities that you are interested in. It really is a great way to get friends and start to feel like you’re more than just a number. If you’re invited places, go. Don’t sit in your room and call your parents or friends back in Bermuda every day. Be sure to be open-minded. You’re going to meet people that are different that ones you’ve known here. College can be a great time for you, so make sure that you are willing to experience it.

4) As for the actual classes, just remember that people are in college because they want to be there. Get involved in your work; it is up to you to learn as much as you can. No one is going to coddle you at college, you have to do things yourself or lose out. Even though some of the classes may seem overwhelming at first, you’ll get used to it quickly.

Finally, try to get as much as you can from your college experience and don’t quit even though it is hard sometimes. Once you get your degree, you’ll have it for the rest of your life and no one can take it away. Most of all enjoy it!

Michele Mayho-Saltus Grad

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